Guidance & Counseling
Guidance and Counseling:
Mrs. Powers serves as the district counselor. The goal of NCCISD is for all students to be college &/or career ready!! The district provides multiple opportunities beginning at an early age for students to begin exploring career & educational choices. Parents are encouraged to help their children explore possibilities for life after NCCISD.
Mrs. Kristi Powers
Guidance & Counseling Documents:
Guidance & Counseling Videos:
CONSISTENT - Best Motivational Video
Responsibility - Character Trait Song For Kids
Search Avatar image 0:02 / 3:30 Vaping and teens - Akron Children's Hospital video
The Consequences of Drunk Driving: Sondra's Story
Character education: Compassion
Why Be Kind?
Liz Marks Texting & Driving Story
Say "Thank You" - A Motivational Video On The Importance Of Gratitude
No Such Thing As Problems - Motivational Speech
#JustBeKind #JBK #SpreadKindness
The dangers of vaping
Why Be Kind?
How You Treat People Is Who You Are! (Kindness Motivational Video)